I don’t have a 26-digit code printed on my receipt ? What should I do ?

If you do not find 26-digit McDonalds survey code printed on receipt, Please check the survey code is miss-printed or disappeared on the receipt. If the Survey code doesn’t appear on the printed receipt, please do the following step by step procedure carefully. Visit the www.mcdvoice.com, then tap on the hyperlink “I don’t have a 26-digit code printed on your receipt ? click here

Enter the Following Details from the McDonald’s receipt:


  • Store #: This field is used to capture the 5-digit Store ID. Users should enter the unique identification number assigned to the store they visited. For example, if the store ID is 12345, the user would enter that number.
  • KS #: This field is used to capture the KS number, which is typically a single-digit value. Users should enter the specific KS number associated with their visit. For example, if the KS number is 5, the user would enter that number.
  • Date of Visit: This field allows users to select the date of their store visit. They should choose a date using the DD/MM/YY format. For example, if the visit took place on June 8, 2023, the user would select “08/06/23”.
  • Time of Visit: In this field, users can choose the time when they visited the store. They should enter the time using the HH:MM format, where HH represents the hour in a 24-hour clock and MM represents the minutes. For example, if the visit took place at 3:45 PM, the user would enter “15:45”.
  • Order: This field is meant for users to write the order number as it appears on the bill. They should enter the order number exactly as it is mentioned on their receipt.
  • Amount Spent: This field allows users to enter the amount they spent during their visit, in dollars. They should enter the amount in the format “$XX.XX”. For example, if the amount spent was $12.47, the user would enter “$12.47”.
  • Hope all the above details are printed on your receipt. After Entering the details, Please click on Start button. On Clicking the button, you’ll start participating in the McDonalds Survey.